Now you can watch Peregrine Falcon LIVE on webcam
The peregrine falcon couple at the Port of Aarhus can now be followed by everyone. After MANY hours and days of work, we finally succeeded in connecting the peregrine falcon box at the Port of Aarhus, Denmark to a Youtube film.
Find the page by writing or peregrine falcon in denmark. Note the image becomes completely sharp after 5-7 sec. For full screen, tap square at the bottom right of the movie.
The male is ring and color marked in 2019 at the Port of Vejle. The female, which is significantly larger than the male, is not ring-marked and has a slightly yellowish colored head against the male's light head. The male has fewer breast and neck spots than the female.
The chicks hatch in the 1st week of May. It is and will be exciting to follow the couple.
I am happy to receive information about exciting observations made by the peregrine falcon couple - for example about prey. Jørgen Terp Laursen, East Jutland Biological Society (ØBF).
Den danske ynglebestand af vandrefalk
The Danish breeding population of Peregrine falcons
Peregrine Falcon | ||
Year | Breeding pair | Comments |
2001 | 1 | Failed |
2002 | 1 | First breeding years for 30 years in Denmark - 2 nestlings. |
2003 | 2 | 1 pair with 3 nestlings. |
2004 | 2 | |
2005 | 2 | |
2006 | 2 | 1 pair with nestlings. |
2007 | 3 | |
2008 | ? | |
2009 | 3 | 3 pair with 10 nestlings. |
2010 | 4 | 3 pair with 10 nestlings. |
2011 | 4 | 4 pair with 9 nestlings. |
2012 | 10-12 | 6 pair with nestlings. |
2013 | 14-15 | 10 pair with 22-23 nestlings and 4 pair without nestlings. |
2014 | 14 | Pair at 21 locations - 30 nestlings. |
2015 | 12 | 12 pair with nestlings. |
2016 | 13 | 13 pair with 29 nestlings and 6 pair without nestlings. |
2017 | 10-19 | 13 pairs with 29 nestlings and 6 pair with nestlings. 10 pair with nestlings. |
2018 | 14-18 | 14 pairs with egg or nestlings. (10 pair in nest boxes) 10 pairs with 19 nestlings. |
2019 | 13-21 | 13 pair with 33 nestlings (1 pair with 4 nestlings). |
2020 | 17-24 | 17 pairs with 45 nestlings. |
2021 | 15-23 | 15 pairs with egg or nestlings |
2022 | 15-23 | 15 pairs with egg or nestlings |
Information from: Danish Ornithological Society (DOF) and
East Jutland Biological Society.
Strong evidence suggests that both in 2015 and 2016 illegally removed a few days old falcon chicks from a nest on Moen, Eastern Denmark!!
Peregrine falcon nestling. Stigsnæsværket, Denmark 2015 (BML).
Den danske ynglebestand af vandrefalk har været i markant fremgang efter det første ynglefund i nyere tid i 2002.
I 2013 ynglede vandrefalken med succes for første gang i ca. 70 år i Jylland, hvor et par ynglede i redekasse på Skærbækværket ved Kolding.
Peregrine Falcon (female) Aarhus, Denmark 2020
Nest box for Peregrine Falcon, Aarhus, Denmark.
Peregrine falcon nesting Stevns Cliff, East Denmark 2011. (SP).
I ynglesæsonen 2016 har 13 par vandrefalke ynglet med succes i Danmark, mens flere andre par er ved at gøre klar til et familieliv. Det viser ny optælling fra Dansk Ornitologisk Forening
Overvågning skal forebygge tyveri af unge vandrefalke på Møn
"Stærke indicier peger i retning af, at der både i 2015 og 2016 ulovligt er fjernet få dage gamle falkeunger fra en rede på Møn. Nu vil overvågningen af de fredede rovfugle blive skærpet". Dansk Ornitologisk Forening aug.2016.
Webcam in Peregrine Falcon nest box Denmark 2021. This is the first time in Denmark.
Peregrine Falcon at the Port of Aarhus, Denmark.
Østjysk Biologisk Forening har nu opsat vandrefalkekasse på Aarhus Havn, hvor et par ynglede i 2020.
Vi søger sponsorer til projektet!
Det vil blive det første webkamera opsat i yngletiden ved en vandrefalkekasse i Danmark.
Vi forventer meget stort besøg på siden, hvorfor det er et oplagt sted at reklamere for produkter, som fx. vedrører økologi og natur.
Kunne du tænke dig at sponsorere projektet med reklamer på denne side kontakt Jørgen Terp Laursen.
We are looking for sponsors for "Project Webcam in Denmark". Contact Jorgen Terp Laursen,
6 year old Peregrine falcon in 2020, Aarhus, Denmark. It disappeared in 2021 (Bird flu?).
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